The Parkinson’s & Movement Disorder Foundation (PMDF), Westminster, Orange County, CA

14772 Moran Street
Westminster, CA 92683


our mission is to create

a world without PARKINSON’S & all Movement Disorders

Call for Movement Disorder Grant Proposals

Deadline November 25, 2024

The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Foundation (PMDF) is awarding one or more small grants of at least $5,000 each for research into any aspect of Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders.

Application requirements:

  • A 1-page summary of the proposed research written in language a layperson could understand, including brief background, significance, and qualifications of the investigative team (typeface: Times font 12 or similar size, 1-inch margins).
  • A proposal written in scientific language, such as that used in a journal article, 3 to 10 single-spaced pages (typeface: Times font 12 or similar size, 1-inch margins). Sections should include background and significance, specific aims, hypotheses, description of the proposed study methods, description of the research facilities, and budget for $5,000.
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) of the primary investigator. If the primary investigator is a student, please send a CV for both the student and research supervisor. Please be sure that the CV contains current contact information.
  • Three relevant articles authored by the primary investigator or research supervisor.

Grant requirements:

  • Money cannot be used to support travel, rent, or indirect costs.
  • Grantees will be required to submit very short, abstract-style progress reports on June 30, 2025 and the other on December 30, 2025.

Please e-mail completed application to Mary Ann Chapman

Please direct grant-related questions to Mary Ann Chapman, PhD

Materials must arrive by end of day Pacific US time, November 25, 2024. Please visit our website at

icon Our Team

The Parkinson's & Movement Disorder Foundation relies upon its Board of Directors to maintain the vision, promote the mission, and support the Parkinson's disease community of Southern California.

These are the people who work daily to carry out PMDF's mission:

Board of Directors

  • Mark Wadsworth, President
  • Mary Ann Chapman, PhD., V.P.
  • Sami Nasrawi, PharmD, Secretary
  • Gianni Truong, Treasurer
  • Peter Perry
  • Deborah Wilson

Honorary Advisory Board

  • Hon. Loretta Sanchez
  • Tom Railsback, Ret. U.S. Congressman
  • Victor Tsao

Medical Advisors

  • Daniel D. Truong, MD
  • Victor Passy, MD
  • Kong Truong, MD